Welcome to our youngest member! - Alex, M3OOQ.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by G2DPA., 6 March 2011.

  1. G2DPA.

    G2DPA. Guest

    A special warm welcome must go to our youngest member on our forum, Alex M3OOQ who has also been a fully paid up member of the EYRG now for several years! Welcome on board Alex!!

    ALEX M3OOQ New Member

    6 March 2011
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    ty baz hope to be a member for many more years i know i dont come on the radio much as i hae a lot of school work to do. i just wish othier amateurs young or old would do the same as me and help the eyrg in keeping the repeater up and runing come you amateurs if i can do it you should do it the licence you hae is now free so why not give what you use to send to ofcom to the repeater group. AND HELP THEM STAY ON AIR

    alex m300q 13yrs old
    M0LDR and G2DPA. like this.
  3. G2DPA.

    G2DPA. Guest

    How can anyone improve on that! Well said Alex!!!!

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